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Charter Document - 00830001

Charter Number: 00830001
Cartulary Title: Annals of the Hospital of St. Wulstan [Worcester]
Charter Language: Latin
Charter Origin: Lay
Charter Type(s): Grant
Date: 1220 - 1230
Date Type: Assigned

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Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Auicia de Mauns domina de Haddesoure p[ro] salu[te a]ni[me mee] [] [dedi] conces[si] et hac presenti [car]ta [me]a confirmaui deo et Hospitali beati Wlstani Wigornie extr[a] p[ort]a[m] o[rien]tale[m] []piendam ad fes[tum] sancti Mich[ael]is per manum Johannis filij Alani et []e []su al[] ene []da [in] puram et [per]pet[uam] elemosinam inperpetuum quod []m fieri uolo presens scr[iptum] [] [f]ilio [] et herede meo Radulfo S[] Warino filio m[eo] []e decano de Wich E[d]mu[ndo] []
institution Institution - an Institution associated with either the giver or receiver of a property transaction in a charter
property Property - a property place location that is a transaction in a charter
issued Issued - the issued at place location for the charter
charter Charter