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Charter Document - 00880033

Charter Number: 00880033
Cartulary Title: The Cartulary of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem [London]
Charter Language: Latin
Charter Origin: Religious
Charter Type(s): Confirmation
Date: 1230 - 1231
Date Type: Assigned

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Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Robertus de Hastynges concessi et hac mea carta confirmavi Simoni de Oddewell[] et Margerie uxori sue et assignatis suis et heredibus assignatorum eorum Alexandrum de Hauewode cum tota sequela sua et cum toto servicio et cum tota donacione feodi quod Hubertus de Munchansi de Stansted[] tenuit de me in villa de Henigeham Sibile tenenda et habenda ut carta Huberti de Munchansi testatur Et ut mea concessio et huius carte mee confirmacio rata sit et stabilis eam sigillo meo corroboravi Hiis testibus Hugone de Latsandr[] Osberto de Gladefen Olivero filio eius Michaele Craue Ricardo Huraund Gilberto de Oddewell[] Willelmo de Ponte Willelmo de Topesfeld[] Galfrido filio Willelmi Gilberto de Cruce et multis aliis
institution Institution - an Institution associated with either the giver or receiver of a property transaction in a charter
property Property - a property place location that is a transaction in a charter
issued Issued - the issued at place location for the charter
charter Charter