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Charter Document - 00952125

Charter Number: 00952125
Cartulary Title: Lordship and Landscape in Norfolk 1250-1350, the Early Records of Holkham
Charter Language: Latin
Charter Origin: Lay
Charter Type(s): Grant
Date: 1295
Date Type: Internal, Feast, Regnal
Resource Link(s): Diplomatics Annotated (brat)
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Ex feoffamento Iohannis filij Galfridi le Bret facto Simoni filio Hamonis vnam dimidiam acram terre iacentem apud Hadowe inter terram meam ex parte aquilonali et terram predicti Simonis ex parte australi cuius caput orientale abbuttat super Hadhowgate et caput occidentale abbuttat super terram predicti Simonis reddendo vnum clauum gariofili pro omnibus seruiciis Dat[] vigilia Sancti Andree apostoli anno regni regis Edwardi xxiiii
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institution Institution - an Institution associated with either the giver or receiver of a property transaction in a charter
property Property - a property place location that is a transaction in a charter
issued Issued - the issued at place location for the charter
charter Charter