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Charter Document - 03710040

Charter Number: 03710040
Cartulary Title: Charters of Glastonbury Abbey
Charter Language: Latin, English
Charter Origin: Royal
Charter Type(s): Grant
Date: 0955
Date Type: Internal, A.D.
Resource Link(s): eSawyer (S 563) Diplomatics Annotated (brat) Anglo Saxon Charters (S 563)
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Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Jhesu Christi DCCCCLV Ego Eadred divina gratia favente rex et primichærius totius Albionis Ælfgiðe sancti moniali in Wiltunensi monasterio degenti ob ejus amabile et aurigenum pretiolum hoc est CXX solidos auri ruris particulam in loco qui dicitur Pengeard mynster cassatis bisdenis estimatam tenore tantum modo interposito ut ex his binarum usus vernantibus ad ejus oracula monasterii prout antiquitus destinabatur indiscussus perseveret ab omni servitio preter arcem pontem expeditionem liberam libenter admodum concessi Eo tenore huius munificentiæ donum perstringens ut post obitum suum inperpetuum jus cuicumque voluerit heredi derelinquat quod si quisque quod non optamus huiuscæ donationis cartulam infringere temptaverit ni prius in hoc seculo digne castigetur in futuro perenni cruciatu prematur Et his limitibus hæc telluris particula circum girari videtur Ærest on bulan setl þanon on stod leage of stodlege on þone meal mihtan ford of þam forda on þone langan þorn of þam þorne on weste werde hina dune on þone ellen styb of þam stybbe on þone risc pyt of þam pytte on þa haran apuldre of þære apuldre on swynget of swyngete on þa ealdan dic of þære dic on þone burnan of þam burnan on þone hæc of þam hæcce on eobban slæd of þam slæde on þa seocan aac of þære æc on þone burnan of þam burnan on cullan burh norðe wearde of cullan byrg on þæt stan gedelf of þam gedelfe on þone mærðorn of þam þornne on bican ham of bican hamme et lang hricges on widan cumb of widan cumbe on wyl wyrðe weste wearðe of ðare wyrðe on þæt pyl et lang pylles on þone stan nihtan ford æt Eadmundes byrig of þam stanihtan forda on þa lace et lang lace on þa stræt et lang stræt æt stocwudu norðe weardne on þæt pyl et lang pylles on þa dic æt þæs biscopes gemære of þære dic on east wylle of east wylle on hnut cumb et lang hnut cumbes east on fulan broc of fulan broce on þa miclan dic of þære miclan dic on þæt stræt get of stræt gete suð et lang stræt to bulan setle Huius doni constipulatorum nomina inferius notata videntur Ego Oda archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Wulfstan archiepiscopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Ælfsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Wulfsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Alfwold episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Osulf episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Byrhtelm episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Coenwold episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Cynsige episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Wulfhelm episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Leofwine episcopus consensi et subscripsi Ego Æþestan dux Ego Eadmund dux Ego Byrhferð dux Ego Æthelsige dux Ego Ælfsige minister Ego Ælfnoð minister Ego Byrhferð minister
institution Institution - an Institution associated with either the giver or receiver of a property transaction in a charter
property Property - a property place location that is a transaction in a charter
issued Issued - the issued at place location for the charter
charter Charter