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Charter Document - 05300024

Charter Number: 05300024
Cartulary Title: L'Organisation financière de la Bourgogne sous Philippe le Hardi et chartes de l'abbaye de Saint-Étienne de 1280 à 1285.
Charter Language: Latin
Charter Origin: Lay
Charter Type(s): Sale
Date: 1281
Date Type: Assigned

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In nomine [] mense iulio die dominica post festum beate Marie Magdalene Ego Ysebelez filia Alien de Corueya [] uendo [] unum mansum cum eius fundo situm in ortis de Corueya iuxta elclusas Sancti Stephani inter mansos dictorum abbatis et conuentus hinc inde precio uidelicet quadraginta solidorum Uiennensium [] predictum mansum cum eius fundo liberum pro tercia parte unius pintacii olei censuali soluendi []
institution Institution - an Institution associated with either the giver or receiver of a property transaction in a charter
property Property - a property place location that is a transaction in a charter
issued Issued - the issued at place location for the charter
charter Charter